Infocom version 1-3 games

Version 1 and 2 games are score games, and version 3 games are either score or time games. Score games keep track of a user’s score and number of moves (e.g. Enchanter), while time games keep track of the time (e.g. Wishbringer). The same memory locations are always used to store these, so the following cheats apply to all version 1-3 games.

For score games, the score is kept in global variable G01 and the number of moves is kept in global variable G02.

For time games, the hour (in the range [0, 23]) is kept in global variable G01 and the minutes (in the range [0, 59]) are kept in global variable G02.


# Lock the score at 50.
cheat = freeze:G01:50

# Lock the number of moves at 25.
cheat = freeze:G02:25

# Lock the time at 5:45PM.
cheat = freeze:G01:17
cheat = freeze:G02:45